Zoës Kitchen is a family-friendly restaurant that specializes in Mediterranean-inspired cuisines in the United States. This Texas-based restaurant was established in 1995 and now operates more than 200 locations across America. All the ingredients are ethically grown and made-from-scratch. American Airlines has been teaming up with Zoës Kitchen, offering passengers a wide range of items on the menu.
Zoës Kitchen offers top-notch food presentation and service. Add visually attractive and delicious Mediterranean-inspired items, such as flavorful Sandwiches, Mediterranean handmade Pitas, refreshing soups, tasty Kabobs, traditional Piadinas. You are one bite from believing. This restaurant also offers additional sauces and sides which help add more nutrition and flavor to dishes. It’s advisable to grab some drinks, such as tasty juice, refreshing tea, sparkling water, etc. Apart from the massive deliciousness, all the items are visually appealing and beautifully presented.
Zoës Kitchen offers top-notch food presentation and service. Add visually attractive and delicious Mediterranean-inspired items, such as flavorful Sandwiches, Mediterranean handmade Pitas, refreshing soups, tasty Kabobs, traditional Piadinas. You are one bite from believing. This restaurant also offers additional sauces and sides which help add more nutrition and flavor to dishes. It’s advisable to grab some drinks, such as tasty juice, refreshing tea, sparkling water, etc. Apart from the massive deliciousness, all the items are visually appealing and beautifully presented.
Zoes Kitchen Locations in the United States
Alabama (15)
Arkansas (2)
Arizona (5)
Colorado (6)
Delaware (1)
Florida (25)
Georgia (26)
Kansas (4)
Kentucky (1)
Louisiana (8)
Missouri (1)
North Carolina (19)
New Jersey (4)
Oklahoma (9)
Pennsylvania (12)
South Carolina (9)
Tennessee (7)
Texas (59)
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