Shari’s Cafe & Pies is a family-friendly dining restaurants in the United States. This restaurant was founded in 1978 and now operates nearly 100 locations. This restaurant is noticeable with well-designed hexagonal building for most of its restaurant locations. Kitchen is placed in the center of this restaurant which offering easy access for servers to pass through.
Shari’s Cafe & Pies especially specializes in top-notch reliable pie, visually appealing and appetizing. You’ve got a wide range of pies to choose from, such as Chocolate Cream Pie, Apple Pie, Marionberry Pie, Lemon Pie, and etc. Good to take a shot at USDA Steaks, seasoned perfectly on a grill to become juicy and flavorful. Add protein-rich Cheesy Quiche, nutritious Homestyle Entrees, Stacked & Layered Sandwiches, Open-Face Melts & Dips, crisp tender Burger, palatable Patty Melts & Omelettes, naturally delicious Salads & Soup, appetizing BBQ, as well as good servers, Shari’s Cafe & Pies will bring you a wonderful dining experience.
Shari’s Cafe & Pies especially specializes in top-notch reliable pie, visually appealing and appetizing. You’ve got a wide range of pies to choose from, such as Chocolate Cream Pie, Apple Pie, Marionberry Pie, Lemon Pie, and etc. Good to take a shot at USDA Steaks, seasoned perfectly on a grill to become juicy and flavorful. Add protein-rich Cheesy Quiche, nutritious Homestyle Entrees, Stacked & Layered Sandwiches, Open-Face Melts & Dips, crisp tender Burger, palatable Patty Melts & Omelettes, naturally delicious Salads & Soup, appetizing BBQ, as well as good servers, Shari’s Cafe & Pies will bring you a wonderful dining experience.
Shari’s Locations in the United States
California (5)
Idaho (9)
Nebraska (1)
Oregon (42)
Washington (30)
Wyoming (1)
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