Founded by a dentist in 1989 in Oxford, Mississippi, McAlister’s Deli is a quick-casual restaurant serving deli sandwiches, giant spuds, salads, desserts, soups, and the most famous McAlister’s sweet tea. With over 30-years history, McAlister’s Deli remains the same menu and value. At McAlister’s, customers are greeted with genuine hospitality and offered handcrafted foods using fresh and premium ingredients. The best McAlister’s Deli menu items include McAlister’s Club Layered Sandwiches, Ham & Cheese Melt, French Dip, Spud Max, and Savannah Chopped Salad.
McAlister’s Locations in the United States
Alabama (13)
Arkansas (10)
Arizona (2)
Colorado (2)
Florida (16)
Georgia (18)
Idaho (1)
Illinois (35)
Indiana (40)
Kansas (6)
Kentucky (16)
Louisiana (14)
Michigan (2)
Missouri (30)
Mississippi (39)
North Carolina (32)
Nebraska (2)
New Mexico (5)
Ohio (13)
Oklahoma (21)
Pennsylvania (1)
South Carolina (24)
Tennessee (31)
Texas (89)
Virginia (11)
Wyoming (1)
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