Since being established on October 31st, 2007 by Ike Shehadeh, Ike’s Love & Sandwiches has grown into a popular sandwich chain in America with 83 locations across six states including California, Nevada, Texas, Florida, Arizona, and Hawaii. Ike’s Love & Sandwiches is known for serving creative sandwiches with patented “Dirty Secret Sauce” on Ike’s world-famous Dutch bread. Committed to creating delicious menus with new styles, each Ike store has its own exclusive sandwich. The signature Ike’s Love & Sandwiches menu items are Elvis Kieth, Hot Momma Huda, Matt Cain, Paul Reubens, Dirty Reuben, Madison Bumgarner, Meatless Mike, Maya Angelou, Sneaky Kitty, and Prissy Presley. Besides, Ike has won many rewards including “City and County of San Francisco, Certificate of Honor,” “Featured on the Travel Channel’s Man v. Food,” “Best Vegan Meatballs in America by PETA,” “Best of Yelp! Redwood City”, etc.
Ike’s Locations in the United States
Arizona (6)
California (54)
Hawaii (1)
Nevada (5)
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