Originally founded in 2000, Bonefish Grill which is an American seafood restaurant has a history of cooperating with a wide variety of charitable organizations, including the American Red Cross. This restaurant specializes in naturally delicious wood-grilled sea fish, such as Ahi Tuna, Salmon, Mahi-Mahi and other saltwater creatures. With trained waiters and elegant decorations, Bonefish Grill will bring customers a sense of peace and vibrancy, offering you a unique dining experience. As you can see from the name of the appetizer of Bang Bang Shrimp, this cuisine contains crispy shrimp which are tossed in creamy and spicy sauce, visually appealing, flavorful and palatable, and it’s most impressive among all the appetizers in Bonefish Grill. Bonefish Grill provides customers with seafood family combo that will definitely satisfy them when they want a seafood feast, suitable for homegating, gathering or parties. Poultry food is also available if some customers are allergic to seafood.
Bonefish Grill Locations in the United States
Alabama (4)
Arkansas (2)
Colorado (6)
Delaware (1)
Florida (48)
Georgia (7)
Idaho (1)
Illinois (4)
Indiana (4)
Kansas (2)
Kentucky (3)
Louisiana (3)
Maryland (7)
Michigan (3)
Missouri (2)
Mississippi (1)
North Carolina (10)
Nebraska (1)
New Jersey (11)
Nevada (2)
New York (2)
Ohio (7)
Oklahoma (1)
Pennsylvania (9)
South Carolina (7)
Tennessee (8)
Texas (2)
Virginia (13)
Washington (2)
Wisconsin (2)
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