Are you fighting to keep anxiety and stress at bay even though you regularly visit a therapist, follow medication and enhance a good support system? Ideally, effective anxiety and stress management also involve eating a balanced diet. So if you don’t tweak what you eat, you might be missing a crucial chance to beat anxiety and stress.
Individuals can adjust to a variety of lifestyles in order to help manage anxiety and stress. Eating a balanced diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and lean protein can enhance this. Let’s discuss in detail a number of Foods that Reduce Anxiety & Stress significantly.
Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts contain high selenium content that may help improve mood by lowering inflammation which is usually at heightened levels when you have a mood disorder like anxiety and stress. Moreover, selenium is an antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic – it helps avoid cell damage and prevent the development of cancer. Selenium can be found in other nuts, animal products as well as vegetables like mushrooms and soybeans.

Turmeric is a spice mostly found in South-East Asian and Indian cooking. Curcumin (an active ingredient in turmeric) helps reduce anxiety and stress by lowering inflammation and oxidative stress that usually increases in individuals experiencing mood disorders, especially in obese adults. A conducted study found that increased curcumin in the diet also heightened DHA and reduced stress and anxiety. Turmeric has minimal flavor thus easy to add to meals, curries, casserole dishes, and smoothies.
Fatty fish

Fatty fish like sardines, salmon, mackerel, herring, and trout are high in omega-3. Omega-3 has a strong relationship with mental health and cognitive function. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) contained in omega-3 rich foods regulate transmitters, promote healthy brain function and reduce inflammation. This supplementation lowers levels of anxiety and stress.
Recent research shows that if a person eats too much of other fatty acids (like omega-6 and not sufficient omega-3) increases the risk of suffering from mood disorders particularly anxiety and stress.

Egg yolk is a great vitamin D and protein source. In fact, it contains all the important amino acids required by the body for growth and development. Besides, eggs contain tryptophan (an amino acid) that assists create serotonin (a chemical neurotransmitter) that helps to regulate sleep, memory, mood, and behavior. Moreover, serotonin is thought to relieve anxiety and improve brain function.
Dark chocolate

Including dark chocolate into your daily diet might also be helpful when it comes to easing anxiety and stress. Flavonols contained in dark chocolate are antioxidants that greatly benefit our brain function by improving the flow of blood to the brain as well as promoting its ability to effectively adapt to stressful circumstances. Dark chocolate is best when eaten in moderation (like 1-1.5 ounces) because it’s high in calories and also easy to overheat.
Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a great potassium source that assists manage blood pressure and regulate electrolyte balance. Consuming potassium-rich foods like pumpkin seeds and bananas may assist lower stress and anxiety symptoms. Additionally, pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of mineral zinc – zinc deficiency might negatively affect your mood. And zinc is vital for the development of the brain and nerve.

Chamomile high antioxidants amount proven to lower inflammation which in turn decreases anxiety and stress risks. A conducted study claims that individuals diagnosed with GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) experienced a greater reduction in anxiety symptoms after taking chamomile extract as compared with those who didn’t.

Healthful bacteria (lactobaccilus and Bifidobacteria) contained in yogurt and fermented products positively impact brain health. Also, a recent clinic review claims yogurt and other dairy products (like cheese, kimchi, and sauerkraut) produces an anti-inflammatory effect in our bodies. Chronic inflammation is partly responsible for stress, anxiety, and depression.
Green tea

Theanine, an amino acid contained in green tea is proven to have potential effects on alleviating mood disorders. It has anti-anxiety effects and calming effects and might heighten serotonin and dopamine production. A 2017 review shows that about 200 mg of theanine improved self-reported relaxation and also calmness while lowering tension in human trials. You can easily add green tea to your daily diet. It’s a perfect replacement for coffee, soft drinks and also alcoholic beverages.
Final thoughts

Overall, scientific research is sparse on the subject of particular Foods that Reduce Anxiety & Stress. Other foods like blueberries, avocado, almonds, spinach, and turkey can also help reduce anxiety and stress. Consider giving these foods a trial and see if adjusting your daily diet helps fix your issue.