We have collected Rosa’s Cafe menu prices, nutrition, specials, and deals for you. And you can find the newest coupons, the latest promotions, breakfast menu, lunch menu, dinner menu, secret menu, and nutrition facts.
Rosa’s Cafe is a Fort Worth-based restaurant founded in 1983 in the United States, and now operates over 50 locations across American. With a promotion slogan of ‘Tuesdays Were Made for Tacos’, the specialty Taco served in this restaurant is a hit, especially noted for the flavor of chicken and beef. Tacos are convenient to eat, satisfying your taste buds and nutrition needs without too much calorie intake. Visually appealing and appetizing enchiladas are filled with veggies, meat, and topped with cheese, which can perfectly satisfy your table needs. You can also find tortillas deliciously versatile. With ground fillings of meat and veggies, Burritos comes with a strong flavor. If you want to savor and love every bite, don’t miss on Tacos and Burritos. With a big chunk of fillings of meat and veggies, Fajitas good sensation of fantastic fillings in the mouth. Salads & Tostadas are high in fiber and nutritious, adding more flavor and nutrition to your meal. Good to take a shot at Nachos, Chips & Dip which are shareable to meet your table needs for a group of dining people. Tamales are suitable for a quick and simple meal that help fill an empty stomach. You’ve got a wide range of Family Meal to choose from, fulfilling your family requirements of a feast.
Get yourself a gift card to send a last-minute and well-planned gift to your loved one. You can learn more about Rosa’s Cafe at the official website.