View Long John Silver’s menu prices, Long John Silver’s nutrition, Long John Silver’s specials and deals. Latest coupons, newest promotions, breakfast menu, lunch menu, dinner menu, secret menu and nutrition facts are all involved.
Long John Silver’s is an American fast food restaurant chain was established in 1969 in Lexington, Kentucky. The origin of its name is related to a pirate who are the main character of Treasure Island. Seafood and fried fish are the main dishes at Long John Silver’s restaurants. The seafood that they offer comes from different sea areas, so they can provide people with the most delicious seafood.
Long John Silver’s restaurants’ menu has a variety of food combinations and categories, such as family meals, variety platters, grilled foods, tacos & sandwiches, desserts, drinks, and so on, which brings great convenience to people. In addition, you can also enjoy the bell service that they provide when you dine at Long John Silver’s restaurants, which can make people feel very interesting and meaningful. Also, their high-quality service and unique dining environment can give customers a pleasant experience. What’s more, Long John Silver’s restaurants also attach great importance to sustainable development and actively protect the ocean.
Long John Silver’s offers guests coupons, which can help spend less money tasting their food. The available coupons change as time goes, so you will find different coupons on different dates. Just visit its official website to know more details.