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Wasabi Locations in St. Charles, MO

Wasabi was established in 2003. It belongs to a fast-food restaurant chain. Wasabi mainly provides people with East Asian style food. The signature dish of Wasabi is sushi and bento. Wasabi has its own culture, and it is popular with most people.
You can find different delicious food on Wasabi’s menu, including appetizers, entrees (grilled salmon, Sumi salad, bento, and others), noodles, maki, sashimi combos, sushi boats, and so on. Some kinds of drinks are also provided by Wasabi, such as cocktails. Wasabi always insists on providing customers with high-quality food, so they choose the best and freshest ingredients. The appearance of the food is also pretty good, which greatly increases people’s appetite.
Wasabi Locations in St. Charles, MO
St. Charles
1650 Beal Street, Suite 175
St. Charles, MO 63303
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